Jeff Gavioli's
Bad News Jazz & Blues Orchestra
featuring vocalist Cindy Reed
'The Busiest Swing Band in Western MA'
bringing LIVE BIG BAND MUSIC to THOUSANDS of people, one town at a time!
Check us out and 'Like' us on Facebook: Bad News Jazz and Blues Orchestra
Email us: BADNEWSJAZZ@gmail.com
Jeff Gavioli and his Bad News Jazz and Blues Orchestra, featuring vocalist Cindy Reed, is known as 'The Busiest Swing Band in Western MA' with over 25 performances scheduled for the summer of 2023, following 30 concerts presented in 2022 and 20 in 2021. Based out of Northampton, MA, the BNJBO has been nominated and voted Winner in the category of 'BEST LIVE JAZZ' in the Hampshire Gazette's 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021 Reader's Polls after being voted as finalist in the 2020 Reader’s Poll.
The Bad News Jazz and Blues Orchestra is a 19 piece 'Jump, Jive and Wail' big band that carries on the excitement of the big band era by performing music of contemporary artists such as Brian Setzer Big Band, Michael Buble`, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Cherry Poppin’ Daddies, Bruno Mars, Flying Neutrinos, Average White Band, Tower of Power and many others. The BNJBO has developed a repertoire that mixes the swing music of the 30s & 40s with the Jump, Jive and Wail music of today. Audience members at one moment may hear the famous Sing, Sing, Sing drum solo of Gene Krupa, followed by a driving arrangement of Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen, Frank Sinatra’s New York, New York and then Bruno Mars’ Uptown Funk. In existence since 2012, the BNJBO has added several outstanding musicians recently, creating an incredibly tight ensemble with outstanding jazz soloists in every section of the band.
In addition to the numerous summer concerts presented throughout western and central Massachusetts, the BNJBO also performs at various functions such as parties, dances, weddings, festivals, etc. If you are ready to 'Jump, Jive and Wail', reach out to the BNJBO via the contact page.
For more information, please check us out and “like us” on Facebook: Bad News Jazz and Blues Orchestra or at www.BadNewsJazz.com
Hampshire Gazette Reader's Poll results for

(under construction!)
March 21st, Fri. @ 7:30 PM in SOUTH HADLEY, MA. Performance for 'Showcase South Hadley' @ SH Senior Center 45 Dayton St.
June 18th, Wed. @ 6:30 PM in WHATELY, MA. Performance at the Whately Library GPS: 202 Chestnut Plain Rd. Funded by the Whately and MA Cultural Councils and hosted by the Whately Library. Rain site, if needed, will be at the Whately Old Town Hall, 194 Chestnut Plain Rd
​June 25th, Wed. @ 6:30 PM in WALES, MA. Performance at the Wales Baptist Church Pavilion. GPS: 2 Monson Road Wales. MA Funded by the Wales and MA Cultural Councils and hosted by the Wales Baptist Church
July 2nd, Wed. @ 6:30 PM in GRANVILLE, MA. Performance on the Granville Town Common. GPS: 11 Granby Road Granville, MA. Funded by the Granville and MA Cultural Councils and hosted by the Granville Parks and Recreation Department.
July 10th, Thurs. @ 6:30 PM in LONGMEADOW, MA. Performance at the War Memorial on the Town Common in Longmeadow. Funded by the Longmeadow and MA Cultural Councils and hosted by the Longmeadow Parks and Recreation Department.
​​July 13th, Sun. @ 5 PM in ERVING, MA. Performance at River Front Park in Erving. GPS: 10 Arch St. Erving. Funded by the Erving and MA Cultural Councils and hosted by the Erving Parks Department.
July 16th, Wed. 5 PM in DALTON, MA. Performance at Dalton CRA Center . GPS: 400 Main St. Dalton. Funded by the Dalton and MA Cultural Councils and hosted by the Dalton CRA.
July 18th, Fri. 7 - 9 PM in WESTFIELD, MA. (Raindate for this is August 29th). Concert at Westfield Artworks Downtown Live! Concert Series. 53 Elm S. Westfield. Funded by the Westfield Artworks
July 26th, Sat. 5 - 8 PM in WILBRAHAM, MA. Performance at Fern Valley Farms GPS: 785 . Funded by the Wilbraham and MA Cultural Councils and hosted by Fern Valley Farms.
July 31st, Thurs. @ 7 PM in SUTTON, MA. Performance at the Sutton Town Common Gazebo GPS the nearby Sutton Town Hall 4 Uxbridge, Rd. Sutton, MA Funded by the Sutton and MA Cultural Councils and hosted by the Sutton Cultural Council and the Sutton Library.
​August 6th, Wed. @ 5PM in CHICOPEE, MA. Performance at the Chicopee RiverMills Senior Center 5 West Main St. Chicopee, MA. Funded, in part, by the Chicopee and MA Cultural Councils and hosted and funded by the Chicopee Council on Aging.
August 13th, Wed. @ 6 PM in WEBSTER, MA. Performance at the Webster French River Park or on the lawn at the Town Hall. Funded, in part, by the Webster and MA Cultural Councils.
September 13th, Sat. @ TBD. NEW SALEM, MA. A performance as part of New Salem's Old Home Day. Event is from 10 AM to 4PM. Our performance is TBD. GPS: use 23 S Main St. New Salem. Funded by the New Salem and MA Cultural Councils and hosted by the New Salem Old Home Day Committee.
October 11th, Sat. @ Noon in INDIAN ORCHARD, MA. Performance at the I.O. Food Truck Festival at Myrtle Park in Indian Orchard, MA. Funded, in part, by the Springfield and MA Cultural Councils and hosted and funded by the Indian Orchard Citizen's Council.
(TENTATIVE) October 12th, Sun. 10 AM - 1PM in STURBRIDGE, MA. Performance at Farmer's Market at the gazebo on the Town Common. GPS: 278 Main St./Rt. 131. Funded, in part, by the Sturbridge and MA Cultural Councils and hosted and funded by the Indian Orchard Citizen's Council.
August 29th, Fri. Raindate for Westfield Downtown Live Concert from 7/18